About us


CBG Ouma & Co Advocates was registered as a firm under the Registration of Business Names Act on the 2nd July 1993 vide certificate of Registration No 189468 with Mr. Charles Bob Gerald Ouma as sole proprietor. In 1998 Mr. Daniel Odongo Otete joined the firm as a partner and stayed with the firm until 2009 when he passed on. The firm has been active save for the period July 2007 to October 2016 when Mr. Ouma went for studies outside Kenya and later served in the public service as a teacher of law. Mr. Ouma resumed active practice in November 2016 after leaving the public service. (Mr. Ouma’s Partner Mr. Daniel Otete died in 2009 after a long illness and had been unable to continue running the firm while Mr. Ouma was away)



To be the first choice provider of legal services for the discerning and conscientious client.



CBG OUMA & CO advocates will strive to provide high quality and cost effective legal services always putting the client’s interests first without sacrificing ethical obligations to the court, to the profession and to the public generally.



‘We will keep our promises to you’



Core Values




On time every time.



Charles B G Ouma Advocate

Charles is an advocate of the High Court of Kenya on 22nd August 1991. He holds a Master’s degree in Law and Business from the Bucerius Law School Germany (2008), A Bachelor of Laws from the University of Nairobi (1989) and a Diploma in Law from the Kenya School of Law. (1990). He was admitted to the Bar on the 22nd August 1991 and holds a current practicing certificate. (2016). Charles is an accredited ADRg (UK) Commercial Mediator.

Charles started his career in legal practice as an intern with the firm of Ombija Wasuna & Co Advocates, Kisumu from April 1990 to August 1991 when he was admitted to the bar. He became an associate of the firm majoring in criminal and civil litigation. In August 1992 he left to practice on his own and practiced under the firm name of CBG OUMA & Co Advocates, Kisumu. In 1998 he was joined by the late Daniel Odongo Otete and practiced in partnership until August 2007 when he left for further studies in Germany. In 2009 Charles joined the Kenya School of Law as a full time Senior Lecturer. In November 2012 he was promoted to the position of Principal Lecturer a position he held until March 2013 when he was appointed as Ag Assistant Director Continuing Professional Development, Projects and Research. In July 2014 he was confirmed as Assistant Director, a position he held until 31st October 2016 when he resigned. In January 2017, he was appointed a Lecturer, Faculty of Law Catholic University of Eastern Africa.

Charles has taught law at diploma, undergraduate and post graduate level. He has been a member of the faculty of the Catholic University of Eastern Africa (Part-time 2009-2012) (Constitutional Law, Law of Evidence, Arbitration &ADR) Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (Part time 2011-2012) (Sale of Goods &Banking Law). He has taught in the Diploma Programme of the Kenya School of Law (Constitutional Law and Legal Systems) and in the Advocates Training Programme at the Kenya School of Law (Professional Ethics(2011-2015) and now Catholic University of Eastern Africa ( From January 2017)Full time, Constitutional Law, Arbitration and ADR)

Charles also facilitates and coordinates course in Continuing Professional Development. His areas of specialization are Constitutional Law, Public Prosecutions, Media Law, Corporate Governance and Legal Audits. He has also facilitated a broad array of courses in commercial and finance law with emphasis on securities regulation. Since 2009, Charles has facilitated and coordinated over 50 such workshops. In the year 2016 Charles was a Speaker at three (3) Law Society of Kenya CPD seminars in Nyeri, Kisumu and Malindi. The subject of discussion was in the areas of Constitutional Law and Professional Ethics. Charles was consultant for the Nation Media Group (2010-2014) where he conducted in house training on Media Law. H has also consulted for Water Resource Management Authority/GIZ (Public Prosecutions) Registrar of Political Parties (Leadership Training for Political Parties) Kenya Human Rights Commission (Devolution and Water Rights)


  • Legal Compliance Audits

  • Civil and Criminal Litigation

  • Arbitration & ADR

  • Constitutional Law

  • Electoral Law

  • Media Law

  • Family Law

  • Conveyancing

In-House Training Services on

  • Drafting of Pleadings in Civil and Criminal Matters

  • Civil Litigation

  • Criminal Litigation

  • Trial Advocacy

  • Legal Compliance Audits

  • Professional Ethics

Para-legal training on

  • The Advocates Remuneration Order

  • Public Prosecutions

  • Constitutional Law

  • Electoral Law

  • Ethics and integrity in the public service

Other Services

  • Course design and module writing

  • Civic Education

  • Qualitative and quantitative research in law and social sciences


The firm is a sole proprietorship owned by Mr. Charles Gerald Ouma, an experienced advocate of 26 years standing.Mr Ouma commands the respect of his professional colleagues as an effective law teacher and legal practitioner. Mr. Ouma has served in the public and private sector and has a wide experience in consultancy and legal practice. His trademark capability is in undertaking legal compliance audits, civil and criminal litigation and the teaching of law. The firm has also invested in the non-technical human resources to ensure clients issues are given the prompt and prior attention they deserve. Where necessary the firm will team up with reputable law firms in consortium or freelance associates to meet specific requirements of technical personnel necessary for specific assignments.


The firm has a modern, easily accessible office in the Central Business District of Nairobi City equipped with the latest ICT and other office equipment necessary to meet the needs of the discerning client. All staff are ICT compliant and most interactions with clients are expected to be on ICT platforms


Charles has in the last 8 years served as a lead consultant in 34 legal audit consultancies for State Corporations when  he was head of the consultancy wing of the Kenya School of Law. Prior thereto Charles worked as an advocate for three State Corporations, two insurance companies and several small and medium sized enterprises in Western Kenya.

Charles has consulted for Nation Media Group (press law), Office of the DPP(Press law and curriculum development for public prosecution), GIZ/Water Resource Management Authority (Public Prosecution), Registrar of Political Parties(Training Module Development and Leadership training for Political Parties), Kenya Human Rights Commission(Devolution and Water Rights), Kenyatta University(Training Module Development), Kenya Women Judges Association (Strategic Panning) and Law Society of Kenya (CPD facilitation).



Where need arises, the firm has a standing arrangement with the law firms of  K Mwaura & Co Advocates Nairobi, Dorion Associates Nairobi, Ashitiva & Co Advocates Nairobi ,Okelo Kinyanjui & Co Advocates, Mombasa, Okweh Achiando & Co Advocates Nairobi and Otieno Ragot & Co Advocates Kisumu for joint representation in consortium.


The firm has a standing arrangement with a number of talented young advocates to render professional services the firm as an independent contractor