CUEA CPD successfully conducted its first Legal Compliance Audit Course on the 4th to 8th December 2017 at the Nyali Sun Africa Beach Hotel in Mombasa. Participants came from the Kenya Civil Aviation Authority, Kenyatta National Hospital and the Parliamentary Service Commission. The lead trainer was Mr Charles B G Ouma HOD, CUEA CPD.Other trainers were Mr Mwaniki Gachuba , Advocate and Procurement specialist, Caroline Obura, expert on data collection and data analysis and Alexander Muteti, Senior Deputy Public Prosecutor ODPP. The participants rated the course and resource persons as either meeting or exceeding expectations. CUEA CPD will conduct the second course at Kisumu on the 22nd to 26th January 2018. Registration is ongoing. For Course details, Contact Mr Ouma at +254 713 937282.